Download Music: Open Doors/On My Matter by Ada Ehi ft Chinyere Udoma
Download Music: Open Doors/On My Matter by Ada Ehi ft Chinyere Udoma
Newsletter: Time My father’s children, Washed with the precious blood of Christ, Heirs of God, and loved eternally beyond measure. Greetings to you in Jesus Name What are you doing with the time you have now in preparation for the […]
A Note From Ada Ehi Fix My Eyes On You – Between 3-6 am one morning, the Son of God came to them walking on the sea. It was a night the wind was contrary so the waves tossed the […]
Hi, Born of God, Greetings in Christ’s name. (This is going to be a long read, but WORTH IT. Let’s go…) Here I am mid-air on a flight to Doula Cameroun musing the whole time on a beautiful conversation. I […]
About Ada Ehi One Nation Concert in Freetown at Sierra Leone Ada Ehi One Nation Concert Freetown Sierra Leone. – Ada Ehi was live in Freetown Sierra Leone on the 7th and 8th day of March for a 2-day fundraiser concert […]
Ada Ehi Live in Cameroun (BUEA & DOUALA) .|The crises did not stop the people of BUEA from coming out on the 28th of February at MOLYKO SPORTS STADIUM furthermore. It did rain but didn’t keep the people of DOUALA […]
So Fly Feeling – Ada Ehi. This album “So Fly” was released in November 2013. Under the record label FreeNationinc. The album is an expression of Ada Ehi’s musical ingenuity and spiritual tenacity. The album contains sixteen soul-lifting tracks that’d […]